There are several reasons why the KonMari method has intrigued me, and made me believe that I can finally have a tidy and organised house. I guess everyone has different reasons for wanting to de-clutter, but for me, many years of half-hearted tidies, two long term partners leaving the house and a tendency to keep everything has left me living in a three bedroom house with two unusable bedrooms, a cupboard under the stairs I can't get into, boxes of "stuff" waiting to be put away or thrown away and no idea whatsoever how to change the situation.
Another reason is that I am totally on board with the concept of only keeping things that spark joy. Right now, if I walk around the house I feel anger mostly, but also guilt, sadness and a heaviness at the sheer amount of stuff everywhere. I can very definitely feel the negatives of having clutter, so of course it makes sense that not having stuff everywhere makes you happy, that's obvious, but by only keeping things that spark joy, any part of my home will make me happy, as nothing is there that isn't sparking joy.
The sparking joy gives another reason I like this whole method. Usually when I try and have a sort out I decide an item's fate on whether I need it or not. This means I get bogged down as I want to keep things I don't "need" and then feel bad for keeping things, which always leads to me giving up all disheartened at being such a hoarder. By judging items on the joy they spark, it should make those decisions easier - of course, this does depend on me being able to identify that spark...time will tell! Without that I'm screwed :/
So...that's why I think I might actually be able to do this, and it could be interesting to chart my progress, and see what issues arise, what's easy, what's not and if autism is too great a challenge for KonMari!
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